Latest Episodes

S3E5: I’ve Been Waiting For You
I’ve been waiting for you. It seems like years. Take a moment and breathe. Feel your feet on the ground. The earth can hold you now. Your work is done. Let your eyelids rest. And just breathe. Did you notice? You’re still here. You’re still breathing. Your heart still beats. Open your eyes now. Look […]

S3E4: FOREEL Recovery with Manny Mendez
Manny Mendez from FOREEL Recovery joins me today to talk about how they are connecting art and recovery. FOREEL’s goal is to not only help individuals achieve long term recovery and fulfill their dream, but to also find purpose in life. They have found that their approach to help overcome addiction has been successful by […]

S3E3: Beauty from Brokenness with Aundre Washington
Today I’m talking to my friend, Aundre Washington. He shares his personal experience of darkness and what it means to not give up. I hope his story brings you encouragement, wherever you are in your journey today. First, Aundre and I share the story of how we met. It’s a unique story, but I’m grateful […]

S3E2: Self-Care to Help Calm the Unsteady Times with Stacy Fisher of Living Upp
Today I bring you a wonderful conversation I had with the amazing Stacy Fisher, who is an incredible self-care “guru.” A certified dietician, hilarious, compassionate, fun, but such a beautiful light. We talk about some of the bigger things in life, things that bring joy, the “deep” stuff. Stacy feels these are what leads us […]

S3E1: Learning to Live with Your Loved One’s Addiction
Hey everyone, I wanted to take just a moment to reach out to you and let you know that we are still here, fighting the fight, living our lives. And I wanted to thank you for all the love and support that you’ve given me. The emails and the text messages, it means so much […]

S2E4: Riding the Relapse Rollercoaster
It’s not a ride I want to be on, and I’ve been on it enough times already. But I find myself back and feeling all the emotions that come when you discover your loved one has relapsed. Unfortunately, it’s a real piece of recovery. And during this honest and open episode, I let you in […]

S2E3: Advocating for Addiction Recovery… And Our Loved Ones
What’s been happening? During this episode, I chat with you a little bit about what’s been going on in my world. I know my last episode kind of left things in just a state of flux. I had recorded kind of what I was going through at that moment and I try hard to be […]

S2E2: That Familiar Place
Tonight, I’m recording this episode from an old familiar place. I recently learned that my daughter, who had been doing so well. Left rehab after 15 months. She just walked away from it. All the hard work. The relationships that she’d built. Right now, this second, I am sickened with worry, fear, and feelings of […]

S2E1: Dealing with Traditions and Old Memories
Hey everyone, welcome to Beyond Hope Radio! I am so happy to be talking to you today and I just want to wish you a happy, happy new year. Some of you reached out to me over the last couple of months and I just want to thank you so much for thinking of me. […]

Ep025: Shar Jones – Still Learning How to Let Go
Hi everyone, it has been a little while since I’ve recorded an episode but I have been thinking about you and I want to thank everyone for the encouragement and support. I was reminded why I started this journey and who I am here for…maybe that’s you if you feel stuck and confused. It wasn’t […]

Ep024: James Hamilton Healy – The Recovery Struggle Is Real, And Worth It
Hi everyone, it has been a little while since I’ve recorded an episode but this will be worth the wait. I’m sharing with you an interview that I did with James Healy. I am lucky to call him a friend, but also we work together. He produces my podcast and every time I talk to […]

Ep023: Shar Jones – Reflections from Long Beach, Washington
Welcome to this show. I am here in Long Beach, Washington, which is about three hours from my home and I came here for a couple of nights over the memorial day weekend, just kind of packed up my dog and he and I hit the road and we’ve been staying here for a couple […]

Ep022: Shar Jones – Yes, You Can Reclaim Life and Joy
Listen to this episode as I reveal a Special Announcement! Yes, I have been absent for a bit as I have been doing some processing lately. I had to take a step back and finally make a big decision. I felt like I was up against a bit of a wall, a little stuck. And […]

Ep021: Laura Worley – Tapping and Transformational Intensive, Free Yourself
I am joined by Laura Worley, who is a Transformational and Educational Coach. Laura has helped hundreds of people overcome their past and begin to live the life of their dreams. It is her core belief that we can overcome anything. When we change our patterns and beliefs that keep us stuck; there are truly […]

Ep020: Jeff Dougherty – Saving Lives on the Ground
I am joined by Jeff who shares his journey from addict to working with drug abusers on the streets, letting them know that there is hope. Jeff’s story begins in his early teens when, having been raised by missionary parents in a poor family environment, he rebelled against his religious upbringing. He began dealing drugs, […]

Ep019: Shar Jones & Chad Stephens – Understanding Addiction: Am I Enabling? (Part 2 of 2)
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Listen for more information! This episode is part of a mini-series with Chad, a deep dive into some of the core questions and challenges surrounding addiction in some families. During this episode, we continue the conversation about enabling, what it is, and how we may play a role in our loved one’s addiction […]

Ep018: Shar Jones & Chad Stephens – Understanding Addiction: Am I Enabling? (Part 1 of 2)
This is the first episode of a 6 part mini-series with Chad, a deep dive into some of the core questions and challenges surrounding addiction in some families. Be sure to tune into Part 2 for an exciting announcement you won’t want to miss!! So, what is enabling? As parents, we always want to do […]

Ep017: Stephanie Myer – Choose to Grow Your Beautiful, Internal Garden
Stephanie Myer, as The Martyr Coach, helps people reclaim their identity and higher purpose so they can stop the self-imposed suffering and start their truth-telling journey. In her work, she partners with clients to come up with the specific program to meet them where they are at and begin to live life in alignment with […]

Ep016: Jeff Nash – Habilitat [SPECIAL: Recovery Spotlight]
A special edition, this episode spotlights a recovery program which treats the whole person, not just a drug problem. Habilitat’s very unique, long-term model remains adaptable to the individual circumstances while creating a small, therapeutic recovery community. Focusing on a graduated system of responsibility, accountability, and freedom Habilitat tailors the lessons and teaching for individual […]

Ep015: Shar Jones – End of the Year “Thank-You!” Mix
Happy New Year! We made it to 2018 and I am so excited about this year. A lot of growing pains and lessons that needed to be learned. And of course that’s going to continue but I feel like I have made some genuine progress. And I’m excited about that. This podcast by far has […]

Ep014: Chad Stephens – Understanding Addiction: Keep It Simple
This highly engaging interview with Chad Stephens goes deep into his vocational mission, which is to “help as many people as he can, as quickly as he can” and to “simplify the solution to addiction.” Along with simplifying the approach to substance use disorder treatment, Chad likes to focus on making good decisions, integrity and […]

Ep013: Valerie Silveira – Give Yourself Permission to Live Again
Valerie Silveira is the author of the Award-Winning Book, “Still Standing After All the Tears: Putting Back the Pieces After All Hell Breaks Loose” and creator of the Nine Actions to Battle Your Beast. She is also an author of two other books, a speaker, mentor, coach, and consultant. In 2004, Valerie’s eighteen-year-old daughter was […]

Ep012: Sean Stradling – It’s Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been
Sean Stradling’s life is a testament to that powerful quote from George Eliot. Sean grew up feeling like he was never good enough. “I didn’t do things right and still sometimes to this day I still suffer from the self-limiting beliefs that I’m not good enough.” Early on he discovered that alcohol and drugs were […]

Ep011: Shar Jones – I Thought About Giving Up
Recently I stumbled across a video that I had done a few years ago. I don’t know if other people do this but there are times, especially when I was really struggling, when I would talk to myself in a video or I would record myself and it was my safe place to confide. The […]

Ep010: Dr. Brad Reedy – Become Alive Again
During this powerful conversation, Dr. Brad Reedy explains why it’s imperative for parents to detach in a healthy way and why over-identifying with our children can have lasting consequences. As parents, we must take our own well-being into our hands and make our own lives our project. Our children are not responsible for our serenity! […]

Ep009: Brenda Reiss – She has a God and I’m not it.
Self-Forgiveness illuminates your true purpose— opening doors to healing your past while replacing regret with gratitude. Self-Forgiveness enables more feelings of freedom, joy, and inner peace. As an author, speaker, and Self-Forgiveness Coach, Brenda Reiss helps us to understand that forgiveness is not about the other person but is all about us. Forgiveness allows us […]

Ep008: Julia Treat – I See You Living Life
Julia Treat is an intuitive, a healer and a miracle facilitator who believes spirit comes in all shapes and sizes. It’s not one size fits all. During this powerful discussion, we uncover the perils of self-sabotage and shame, some of the biggest challenges we all face. Beware the baggage you carry and who you project […]

Ep007: Shar Jones – Hang in There… and a Letter from a Listener
When I think about why I started this podcast. It was just this deep need and desire to make some sort of sense of what I’ve been through and what my daughter has been through, feeling like it needed to have some sort of purpose. Forcing myself to show up and to be brave has […]

Ep006: Stephanie Wagner – How a Morning Practice Can Get You to a Better Place
Stephanie Wagner has not always been a “morning person.” But, since reading The Morning Miracle by Hal Elrod and systematically creating her own “Morning Practice,” Stephanie has seen marked improvements in her life. In this inspiring interview, Stephanie details her own “Morning Practice,” how it has dramatically improved her relationship with her husband, and how […]

Ep005: Melodi McCoy – How to Kick Butt and Deal Some Hope
Melodi McCoy is a dealer. A hope dealer. And she says that hope is not a wish, it’s a belief. As a mother with two adult children who have struggled with addiction, and a 10-year old who was not supposed to survive childbirth, she has found a way to have a belief in hope. During […]

Ep004: Shar Jones – A Letter to the Parent of an Addict
No matter what, it’s important to find gratitude, joy, and love. During these times of loss, struggle, and challenge, I share with you a page from my journal, while I send you the best wishes for strength and the ability to hope for a better future. Love, Shar Find out more at http://beyondhoperadio.com — […]

Ep003: Stacy Fisher-Gunn – Be Kind to Yourself
What do we mean when we talk about “Self-Care?” This episode will help you assess your own self-care needs, along with providing some down to earth strategies to creating a self-care plan. Learn how important a self-care plan is and why it’s helpful to design one and have it in place in case of crisis […]

Ep002: Jessica Butts – Live Your Life from the Front Seat
Jessica believes in transparency, authenticity, and openness! In order to do those things, we must first know ourselves, all of ourselves and start living accordingly. We are meant to live the way we were uniquely designed. Do you feel like you are living a life that was chosen for you instead of you choosing your […]

Ep001: Katie Donovan – A Mother’s Addiction Journey
After experiencing the addiction journey with her daughter Brittany, Katie left her career, in order to focus on family recovery. She has now dedicated her life to guiding others through the overwhelming process of finding quality treatment for substance abuse, coaching families through their own recovery, and a consultant for the treatment industry. Katie is […]

Ep000: Shar Jones – There is Light and Love Beyond Hope
Welcome, I’m Shar Jones, the host of Beyond Hope. I’m a Nationally Certified Interventionist, Recovery Coach, and Mom. As the Mother of an addict, I understand the journey and am passionate about being of service to those who want to live a more meaningful life. Guests for the show will include well-respected experts in the industry. […]
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